Once Arjun asked to lord Krishna hey parth ! you always appreciate the karn too much for being an enormous donator and the extreme courageous but nobody I can see the massive donator like Yudhisther. Shri Krishna thinks for a moment and in subsequently he said- this time you will get your answer tomorrow.
On next day after get in the appearance of Brahman, Arjun and Shri Krishna firstly entered in the Yudhisther darwar. Yudhisther expressed the great owner to both of the Brahmans and asked hey, vipra! what can I do for you? Order Me.! Two barmen’s (Arjun and Krishna) ask him for the woods of Chandan to cook his food by himself for lunch.
King (Yudhisther) spokes, both of you please take your seats, the woods of Chandan are going to arrange soon. And king acquaint with his men’s to arrange the woods of Chandan. All the men’s search the markets of the entire conurbation but all the woods are wet because of the last night rain. That’s why the men came back vacant and with the great embarrassment they convey all the information to their king.
Although the time is fleeting, that is also one of the problems for the king owing to which king is in heartrending. Both the Brahman’s solicit to the king that we will take the food tomorrow there is no problem. Because of the last night rain, all the wood are wet that’s why that may be unavailable. Afterward both the Brahman’s moved from there and reached in the Karan darwar.
Karan salutation both of the Brahman's in blasting manner and asked how can I serve you? We are hungry and we cook our food by ourselves using woods of Chandan so can you arrange the wood? Karan said- that’s it, you take your seats. Afterward he took his archery and an arrow and throws that arrow into his mahal gate, which is of wood of Chandan. The gate is fully shattered.
Then Karan asked the Brahman’s in what amount you want the wood you can take. Brahman took the wood and after having the food they give their blessing to the Karan.
Bhakti, Lord Krishna, Arjun. Lord Krishna and Arjun, King Yudhisther, Karan, Mahabharata, parth, Brahman, woods of Chandan, Yudhisther darwar