Jeevan Parichay


"Vishvas Meditation" is the essence of Indian Culture, whose roots run over about 50,000 years into the past. This nectar has been extracted from nature by Realized Saints and Sages of India over the centuries, and brought into the present day by Gurudev Shri Swami Vishvas Ji. Meditation is delicate spiritual ambrosia, the silent source of Realization for seekers of truth since time immemorial. It is the nectar that has been extracted from nature by Saints and Sages of India throughout the ages to attain Realization. Gurudev Shri Swami Vishvas Ji propagates this ancient art of meditation, of taking a journey to the inner realms, in its pure and natural form to suit the present day and age. He is the progenitor of Vishvas Meditation. Vishvas Meditation has no technique. Swami Vishvas Ji explains."All techniques are for Concentration - not Meditation. Through Concentration you cannot achieve Meditation but through Meditation you can have a lot of Concentration. In concentration, you always have two - the concentrator and the object of the concentration. You do not allow your attention to wander from this object. While practicing this, you will experience push or tension, imposed on you to control the deviated attention, leading to headaches, pressure on the eyesight, forehead etc. Because the mind is mercurial by its very nature, constantly moving, from one thought to another. It never stays at one point, never stays in the present, for it has no existence there. It lives only in the past or future. Concentration is not the nature of the mind-these two are opposite dimensions. In concentration, people tend to find relief from the nagging thoughts and feelings that bring them discontent. However, it is a very temporary solace, one that does not help in removing the source of unhappiness. So long as you are concentrated on the desired object, you will feel relaxed and when the object of concentration is removed, you are once more return to the previous condition. You remain the same - no transformation takes place. What we need to understand is that the problem is not the thought. It is the identification with unnecessary thoughts that lead to negative mind states such as stress, depression etc. Therefore the solution lies in Dis-identification. In concentration you are again giving your mind something to do- it is a mental exercise that keeps you in the domain of the mind, you never really attain freedom from it.

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