Fruit raita is the combination of all types of fruits, along with curd. Fruit raita is one of the most diverse ingredients raita recipe in which you can use any type of fruits available to you. Try the easy recipe of fruit raita shown below
2 cups Curd (yogurt) 3 Bananas 1 small Pineapple 2 Apples 1 Ripe Mango 1 cup Pomegranate seeds Chopped coriander leaves Sugar to taste Salt to taste Black pepper powder to taste
How to make fruit raita: � Whisk the curd with hand mixer (Mathni) properly and mix salt, sugar, and curd is thick add little milk or water. � Cup all fruits in small cubes and add to the curd. � Garnish mixed fruit raita with chopped coriander and pomegranate.